Sunday, June 21, 2009

MGK's 7 Songs In 7 Days Recap

If you missed any of the songs, and wanted to download them now, here you go...

Day 1: Machine Gun Kelly - Still Get It In Ohio

Day 2: Machine Gun Kelly - Good Afternoon

Day 3: Machine Gun Kelly - Ohio

Day 4: Machine Gun Kelly - I'm Ill

Day 5: Machine Gun Kelly - Can't Stop Me

Day 6: Machine Gun Kelly - I Got This

Day 7: Machine Gun Kelly - Payback Music Freestyle


  1. I cant take that skinny fag seriously

  2. You're a f'n joke sayin' that boy can't spit. You need to recognize wtf is up...MGK IS THA REALNESS!!! SMF - s3...

  3. thats y whoever wrote that comment stayed anonymous....fuckin lil bitch mgk is tha fuckin truth
    cleveland STAND up!
