Wednesday, June 24, 2009

5 Things You Never Knew About Cudi...

Unless your a weirdo...


  1. kid cudi seems like a nerd now to me now. still good music though.

  2. I smash cheeseburgers like that too, I would like to say four or five is what he really was saying...

  3. and I totally know what he is saying about those jordans, I had the same shoes back in 7th grade...ohh yeah I wiki'ed how old he is, and we are around the same age, so those shoes were hip as hell back then, with the wing thing on the back...if you got the high tops, i got them in the magenta and dudes were hatin...

  4. i totally knew that movie thing about music videos, I have worked on a few sets of music videos and they almost always have a inspiration from a movie.
